- Keyboard and Mouse not working. - Windows 10 Support

- Keyboard and Mouse not working. - Windows 10 Support

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Windows 10 keyboard and mouse not working at login screen free -


Whenever I start my PC, I can't get past the login Screensaver that tells the time because my keyboard and mouse aren't working or being detected. Everything has worked fine with them until this morning, and all the sudden I'm not able to log on.

Im able to get into my bios though, and I went to enable legacy usb because I read somewhere that helps. I found that it was already enabled though. Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forums. Your interest on Windows 10 is appreciated. I understand the inconvenience that you are facing. We are glad to help you. I would suggest you to follow the methods given below and check if it works:.

Hope this information helps. Do contact us for further queries. We will be happy to assist. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. I'm having the same issue but cannot access these features secondary to I had previously booted into Windows 7 Pro x64 for years without difficulty, then Windows 10 for several days and one morning this occurred.

Any solution would be appreciated, although I don't have a system restore point to revert to WIN 7. Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community. We sincerely regret for the inconvenience caused. Method 1: A clean boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs.

This helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows. NOTE: A clean boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. Thank you.

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Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 2 people found this reply helpful. Only other thin I did notice was I hit "a" after hitting i a few times and it selected everything Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 1 person found this reply helpful.

My keyboard and mouse work fine in bios. At the windows screen with date and time my keyboard and mouse do nothing. I can't even get to the next screen to enter my pin. I apologize for the delayed response.

It must be unfortunate that you are still facing the same issue. Let me help you. I suggest you to download and install the latest keyboard and mouse drivers from your computer manufacturer website and check if it helps.

I hope the issue will be resolved. Please keep us posted on the issue. We will be happy to assist you accordingly. Looks like you're facing a difficult scenario here. We need to know, what troubleshooting steps have you tried so far? What's the make and model of your device? One troubleshooting you may try is to turn off your device and completely unplug it from the power source.

Let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes, then turn it back on. We will figure out our next course of action after you've completed the suggested troubleshooting. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. So I'm having another fairly critical problem with windows Whenever I start my PC, I can't get past the login Screensaver that tells the time because my keyboard and mouse aren't working or being detected.

I've tried switching usb ports before startup as well as after. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for the help! This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit.

Previous Next. Follow the On Screen instructions. Restart the computer once it is uninstalled. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on October 8, In reply to CougarDO's post on October 18, Hi, Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community. I suggest you to perform clean boot and check if it helps: Method 1: A clean boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs.

Please let us know if you need further assistance. User's post on October 19, Can't get to the ability to do a clean boot without the keyboard working a clean boot requires you to log in as an administrator but the keyboard not working does not allow anyone admin or otherwise to log on the only keys that work to ANY keyboard you plug in are the following: - i TAB Space Only other thin I did notice was I hit "a" after hitting i a few times and it selected everything In reply to JohnDittmyre's post on November 10, I have the same problem on a Toshiba laptop computer.

One morning after this fabulous , marvelous and "free" windows 10 upgrade, my keyboard will not work except for the very top key that turns the volume up and down. You are not alone my friend.

I am mad at myself for ever using the word "free" to get sucker punched into downloading this new version of windows. I "upgraded" from 8.

Now I have a tablet laptop , as the on screen keyboard is the only way to use anything on the computer. I wanted a computer but now have an oversized tablet. I'm 75 and was raised with computer starting with dos, windows 95, 98, xp, vista, 7, 8, 8.

I think the MS engineer that designed this marvel was a texter Because so far, that is the only thing it will do. I have tried every fix on communities and Toshiba users forum. Asus RIVE with k. In reply to floydswoop's post on November 22, Hi, I apologize for the delayed response. I suggest you to use On Screen Keyboard and enter in to desktop.

User's post on December 2, MarLo Lopez. Edjay Rust Microsoft Agent. In reply to MarLo Lopez's post on March 16, Hello Marlo, Looks like you're facing a difficult scenario here. Try it and let us know what happens after.



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